... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Rekindling the Flame (Pt 2)

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God has placed a special gift or ability inside each one of us. The sad thing is that it’s so easy for the day to day grind to bury that gift – and the dreams we may have had for using it – so deep, that we’ve forgotten it’s even there. But God … God wants us to rekindle that gift. And so that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing in this series. Rekindling the flame in our hearts to be who God made us to be … to do what God made us to do.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Rediscovering the Gift

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You know the problem with the gifts and abilities that God’s given us? You live with your special gift, I live with my special gift all day every day and so we don’t think that our gifts are …

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Episode 2. In the Face of Opposition

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It seems to be a fundamental principal of life that whenever you want to do good, someone or something is going to come against you. Whenever you want to use your God-given gifts and abilities and …

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Episode 3. The Foundation of God's Word

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The world wants to tell you, all too often, that you’re no good. People want to tell you, all too often, that you don’t measure up. But God wants to tell you that He has given you some special …

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Episode 4. Keep Shining

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Time is short. I mean … really it is. Either Jesus is coming back, or you’re going to Him … and it could be sooner than you think. So between now and that moment, I want to encourage you, …

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Episode 5. Despite God's People

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God’s stirred a passion in your heart to get out there, be who He made you to be, and to use your God-given gifts and abilities for His glory. But then, right on queue, other Christians come along …

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