... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Flying Under the Radar

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In a world that values success and recognition – it’s funny how many people are chasing after those things in way or another – and how few people ever experience fulfilment and a sense of purpose. In this challenging new series – Flying Under the Radar – Berni takes a look at how different God’s plan for our lives is from the world’s plan.

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Episode 1. Those Hidden Places

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God does some strange things sometimes. He leads us into hidden places – lonely places, dark places and seems to leave us there. What’s He up to? Why does He do that? I love the term, …

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Episode 2. Making Comparisons

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Isn’t it funny how good we are at comparing our lot in life with the circumstances of the people around us? The grass is always greener, right? But what if – what if we’re exactly where God …

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Episode 3. Secret Service

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While the rest of the world is off chasing recognition and success – one of the most wonderful things we can get involved in is –secret service – just flying under the radar into people’s …

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Episode 4. Wisdom from Above

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We’re all seemed to be programmed to win – at school and at sport and at life. But – well, what if winning is not what life’s all about? What if God has a plan that is so much deeper and …

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Episode 5. Blessed are the Meek

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Where I come from, meekness is just another word for weakness. So why did Jesus say – blessed are the meek? And is meekness a quality that you and I should search out, or shun? Can I tell you one …

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