... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: God’s Miracle Makeover for You (Pt 2)

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All too often, we’re looking for big breakthroughs and big miracles, when all along, the Holy Spirit is already busy transforming our lives from the outside in. In this series, Berni explores the miracle makeover plan that God has for each one of us – to help you to lay hold of the Power that’s already at work in you.

So join Berni Dymet he takes a look God’s miracle makeover for you … from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Deep Cleansing

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It seems that every other cosmetic commercial on television these days is offering some lotion or potion that achieves deep cleansing. Deep cleansing. Really? Don’t you love those makeup …

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Episode 2. Purity Within

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Purity. Now there’s a great concept. Everybody loves purity. From the junkie buying heroin on the street, to the savvy investor buying gold on the open market. Turns out, we all want … purity. …

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Episode 3. A Clean Heart

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Have you ever blown it – I mean completely blown your relationship with God. It was all going along just fine and then you went out there and sinned like … like you wouldn’t believe. And the …

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Episode 4. A Fruitful Life

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Imagine for a moment, you’re an apple tree. Yeah, I know, I know – just humour me. You’re an apple tree. You grow tall and strong – you look really impressive. But in all your years in the …

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Episode 5. A Shining Light

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Jesus once said – I am the light of the world. None of us much have a problem with that. Of course He is. But He also said something else – to His disciples. He said – You are the light of the …

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