... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: God’s Miracle Makeover for You (Pt 1)

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All too often, we’re looking for big breakthroughs and big miracles, when all along, the Holy Spirit is already busy transforming our lives from the outside in. In this series, Berni explores the miracle makeover plan that God has for each one of us – to help you to lay hold of the Power that’s already at work in you.

So join Berni Dymet he takes a look God’s miracle makeover for you … from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Total Transformation

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Each one of us at some point takes a look in the mirror and let’s face it we don’t like what we see. Sagging wrinkles and these days we’ve been conditioned to think ‘I need a …

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Episode 2. A New Creation

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I remember one time in my life when I realised what a terrible mess I’d made of things. Now I’m not stupid but boy what a mess and I thought to myself, ‘if only, if only I could …

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Episode 3. From Glory to Glory

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Sometimes God does radical things that instantly change our lives. A miracle, a blessing, a circumstance and that’s awesome but other times, most times in fact the change is incremental. …

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Episode 4. Born Again

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Born again, now there’s a term that carries a bit of baggage around with it. I was asked once, you’re not one of those born again Christians are you? To which I answered, ‘sure I …

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Episode 5. Christ in You

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Marriage is an amazing thing. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, they get married, they move in together, well that’s the sequence it’s meant to be in and then they become one unit, one …

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