... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Still Deadly (Pt 2)

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We know that sin ruins our lives. We just do. And it seems that each one of us has a slightly different “Achilles heel” when it comes to sin. So it makes sense to understand what particular sin we’re more prone to given who we are and how to deal with it.

Join Berni Dymet and his special guest Keith Henry – in this compelling series Still Deadly – as they take a look at life from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Wrath

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You don’t have to look very far to figure out that anger is something that’s hitting society in plague proportions. Everybody seems to be angry. Anger is one of the seven deadly sins. And it’s …

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Episode 2. Envy

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Envy is probably one of the most destructive of all emotions.  We see something someone else has and we want it.  Wars have been fought over envy.  That’s why it numbers amongst the seven deadly …

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Episode 3. Pride

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Pride is such an ugly thing – but these days, it’s almost a virtue. I mean on the one hand should we be delighted when we succeed at something? Sure, but pride takes that delight to a different …

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Episode 4. The Problem with Sin

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You’ve probably heard of the Seven Deadly Sins.  Sounds old fashioned, but actually those same seven sins are tearing people’s lives apart. Which one are you most prone to, and how can you break …

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Episode 5. A Startling Alternative

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The seven deadly sins – lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, wrath, envy and pride – are tearing this world apart.  Each one of us deals with at least one in our makeup.  But God has graciously …

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