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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Oh God I Need A Miracle Please

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Sometimes the only way to deal with the 800 pound gorilla in the room, is to ask God for a miracle. But – well, will God do a miracle for me? Should I ask? What if He says no? They’re all the questions that we ask ourselves.
Join Berni Dymet this week, as he takes a look at miracles, from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. I Believe in Miracles

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It’s easy to imagine that miracles don’t happen anymore these days. But God is a miracle working God – he was 2000 years ago and He is today. Nothing’s changed and I for one, still believe in …

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Episode 2. Never Turned Away

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It’s easy to imagine that God will do a miracle for other people, but never, ever for me.  Sure I believe God can do miracles…just not for me.  I mean, if I believe in a miracle and He …

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Episode 3. I Don’t Deserve a Miracle

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Sometimes we think that, well … we have to be perfect to receive a miracle.  Never mind that we desperately need God’s supernatural helping hand, never mind that He’s a God of grace and …

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Episode 4. Blow a Hole in the Roof

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Sometimes, we expect God to show up with a miracle in our lives, kind of like the pizza delivery man at the front door. But God – well, sometimes He has a different plan.  Sometimes He wants us to …

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Episode 5. When the Door Closes

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Yep, yep.  I believe in miracles.  I believe that God will do a miracle for me.  But – well, what happens when He says no.  What happens when I have a heart for this or for that – but He …

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