... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Do Not Be Afraid

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Fear is a subject that we don’t much like to talk about and yet, it’s important because fear is something that we all travel through. And it turns out that the way we handle fear has a lot to do with how things turn out.

So join Berni in this “rubber hits the road” series – Do Not Be Afraid.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The World's A Scary Place

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You know something – the world can be a scary place.   We all travel through times when fear eats away inside and it’s right in the middle of those times, that we need to know what to do. I …

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Episode 2. Who Created the Stars?

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You know I’ve heard all the theory – you don’t have to be afraid – because God is in that place with you. Hmm.  That’s the theory. But how do I know – how do I know that I can rely on …

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Episode 3. Not On My Own

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It’s great for people to tell you that when you’re afraid God says, “Do Not Be Afraid.” That’s great. But, well, when I am afraid, what do I do with that feeling? How do I make it go away? …

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Episode 4. Don't Panic

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We’ve all heard someone scream out, “Don’t Panic” – it’s normally when they’re panicking. But panic, as natural a reaction as it may be to fear – panic is pretty useless. And it burns …

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Episode 5. God Speaks When We're Afraid

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When we’re afraid, it seems as though nothing anyone else says or does can make a difference. But – well, what if God has something to say? And what if it does actually make a difference? Would …

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