... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: It’s Time to Get Over It

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Sometimes, we think we’re going along just fine – and then we react to something and all of a sudden, we realise, we’re carrying around a bunch of hang-ups. Baggage. Join Berni Dymet, as he takes a look at how to get over them, from A Different Perspective.

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Episode 1. The People Around Us

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Insecurity is a social disease running at plague proportions.  And like every other plague – it has dire consequences.  Hmmm.  What if you have the disease? Is there a cure? Probably one of the …

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Episode 2. Loving Yourself

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Ever compared yourself to other people and come to the conclusion – you just don’t stack up? We all have.  And when you’re carrying that around inside – it’s so hard to have strong …

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Episode 3. Dealing With Hurts from the Past

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Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. Not much.  In fact the things people say can leave lifelong scars. People say – just get over it?  But can we? “Sticks and …

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Episode 4. Walking through a Minefield

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Relationships – at home, at work, with friends – well they can be like walking through a mine field.  Everything’s fine – and then you step on a mine … It’s a funny thing, but a …

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Episode 5. A Gift for Life

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Insecurity. It’s out there in plague proportions. Ruined relationships.  Ruined lives. If you know someone who suffers from insecurity – what’s the greatest gift that you can give them? Over …

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