... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Full to Overflowing

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So often, we look around at our lives and you know something, they look a bit parched and dry. Some joker comes along and says “I don’t think life is meant to be like that.” For a moment we believe them, but then we take another look and settle right back into our dustbowl again.Jesus said that His plan was for us to be full to overflowing. Why don’t you Join Berni Dymet this week as he takes another look at life from a different perspective

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Episode 1. Abundant Life

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Let’s face it – life can be a bit dry. A bit on the parched side. Maybe we have an inkling that it shouldn’t always be like that, but somehow that can be so hard to believe. Join Berni Dymet …

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Episode 2. A Blockage from on High

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Father’s are funny animals. They want the best for their kids. But when their kids rebel, when they don’t play the game, that blessing dries up quicker than you can say Jack Robinson. Join Berni …

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Episode 3. Taking Hold of the Supernatural

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Sometimes, it’s the things that we can’t see, that can have the biggest impact on our wellbeing. Our blood pressure. Our cholesterol levels. The supernatural realm. All things we ignore – at …

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Episode 4. The Satisfaction of Being Full

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Ever been so thirsty you think you’re going to die. And then – then you have a deep drink of fresh, cool, clear, living water. Awesome. In fact Jesus talked a lot about water. Join Berni Dymet …

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Episode 5. The Joy of the Overflow

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There are so many good things out there in life. And it’s great to get our fill. But what’s even better, is when we’re so full of goodness – that we overflow – right into the lives of other …

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