... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Holy Spirit and Me

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It’s one thing to know God, it’s another thing entirely to know God. Experiencing the reality of Him in our lives – in a real relationship – is the most wonderful thing. Enter the Holy Spirit. But who or what is the Holy Spirit? In this Series Berni Dymet explores what God has to say about His Holy Spirit.

Episode 1. Another Comforter Just Like Me

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The plan of God is to pour His abundant love; everything He is and everything He has and all His peace and His joy; His plan is to pour that out upon your life. And that … that’s why He’s sent …

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Episode 2. Taking Out the Garbage

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So often we look in the mirror and realise, that we’re simply not worthy to come before the throne of grace. And yet, because of Jesus, nothing more needs to be done for you and me to walk boldly …

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Episode 3. Knowing God

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God’s heart is to make His home in us and to fill us with His joy and His peace and His grace and His power and I believe that with every fibre of my being. In fact I know it. And the other thing I …

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Episode 4. The Gifts of the Spirit

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God is a supernatural God – God goes ahead of us – God knows all things – God is all powerful – God is all loving and God pours out gifts through His people into other people’s lives. And …

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