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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The God of Small Things

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Proverbs 30:24-28 There are four things on the earth that are small but very wise: Ants are small and weak, but they save their food all summer; badgers are small animals, but they make their homes in the rocks; locusts have no king, but they are able to work together; lizards are small enough to catch with your hands, but you can find them living in kings’ palaces.

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Let me ask you: What are the things in your life that matter to God? If you had to put a list down the left-hand side of the page of the things that matter to God, and a second list down the right-hand side of the things that don’t, what would be in those two lists?

Most of us imagine that God is only interested in big things; wars, politics, religion … but the little stuff … nah, He doesn’t have time for that.

Some years back my wife and I landed into Chicago’s O’Hare International, one of the busiest airports in the world. And after the long flight from Australia, you guessed it, they’d lost her suitcase. Worse still, I had to fly straight on to Minneapolis, so she went to the hotel alone with nothing.

By the following day, when I flew back into Chicago, they still hadn’t found her luggage. And then, after waiting for over an hour with everyone else, we were told that our whole plane’s luggage was on the wrong carousel. Sure enough, we raced down there and there was my bag going round and round with all the others. But just as I turned around from picking it up, on the very next carousel, just in the right place at the right time, there was Jacqui’s bag from yesterday, on a Friday afternoon in one of the busiest airports in the world.

And people think that God’s not interested in the small stuff.

Proverbs 30:24-28 There are four things on the earth that are small but very wise: Ants are small and weak, but they save their food all summer; badgers are small animals, but they make their homes in the rocks; locusts have no king, but they are able to work together; lizards are small enough to catch with your hands, but you can find them living in kings’ palaces.

He doesn’t miss a thing!

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Stewart Speed

Just one word for what the LORD cares about in your life, EVERYTHING never mind a list and I thank you LORD for that,Amen.

Berni Dymet

Hi Tangu, the more you spend time alone with God, reading His Word and believing what He says above what the world says, the more peace you will have. I am praying that for you, as you draw closer to Jesus, anxiety will become a thing of the past! In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen. Berni@CW

Tangu Banda

Thank you so much for the timely message, this has really edified my spirit a lot … I suffer from anxiety a lot. God please help me to remember this always and forgive me for not being being grateful.

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