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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Sidestepping Your Mistakes

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Psalm 19:7,8 The LORD’s teachings are perfect. They give strength to his people. The LORD’s rules can be trusted. They help even the foolish become wise. The LORD’s laws are right. They make people happy. The LORD’s commands are good. They show people the right way to live.

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Accepting correction and instruction is something that, by and large, most of us aren’t all that good at. And yet, it’s that correction and instruction which, in the end, help us to live life to the full. 

Think of all the mistakes you’ve made throughout your life. There’s rather a lot, right? And their consequences tend to reverberate down through the years, even into the present day. I certainly relate to that. 

But what if we hadn’t made those mistakes in the first place? What if we’d listened to our parents, to our leaders, to our mentors … to God, and accepted the wise counsel that could have helped us sidestep the stupid things we’ve done?

Of course, we can’t change the past. What’s done is done. But we can change our attitude to correction and instruction from this moment forward. 

Psalm 19:7,8 The LORD’s teachings are perfect. They give strength to his people. The LORD’s rules can be trusted. They help even the foolish become wise. The LORD’s laws are right. They make people happy. The LORD’s commands are good. They show people the right way to live.

The questions I’m constantly asking God to answer for me as I read my Bible each day are these: Lord, where am I getting it wrong? What blind spots are wrecking my life? How can I come up higher to be who You created me to be?

I never used to have a teachable heart … and yes, some days I still struggle. But here’s what I’ve discovered on the journey: He can be trusted. He makes the foolish to be wise. His commands are good. And all that leads to a much, much better life.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Sandra Briggs

As a child growing up the commandments were taught but not practiced and if they would have been a lot of things that I’ve had to regret probably would not have happened. So yes listening to God can make life a lot easier.

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