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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Good News, Bad News

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Acts 17:30,31 In the past people did not understand God, and he overlooked this. But now he is telling everyone in the world to change and turn to him. He has decided on a day when he will judge all the people in the world in a way that is fair. To do this he will use a man he chose long ago. And he has proved to everyone that this is the man to do it. He proved it by raising him from death!”

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Well, today there’s good news and there’s bad news. Let’s start with the Good News: God loves you beyond words and Jesus came to die for your sin so that you could be completely forgiven. The bad news is that if, ultimately, you choose not to accept the good news, not to live out the good news, He will judge you and consign you to that Christless eternity we call hell.

I know, I know. Here in the 21st century that just seems so ludicrous to so many. Really? Are those Christians still trotting out this rubbish? How could their loving God possibly send people to hell? Come on! Or perhaps deep down, you believe the Good News of Jesus, but you’re living your life in a way that all this is making you a tad uncomfortable. Wherever you might be at, here’s God’s take on all this:

Acts 17:30,31 In the past people did not understand God, and he overlooked this. But now he is telling everyone in the world to change and turn to him. He has decided on a day when he will judge all the people in the world in a way that is fair. To do this he will use a man he chose long ago. And he has proved to everyone that this is the man to do it. He proved it by raising him from death!”

Yes, we need to believe; to put our faith in Jesus. But a key part of this Good News is our response – to change and turn to Him. As A.W. Tozer puts it, “The idea that God would pardon a rebel who hasn’t given up his rebellion, is contrary both to Scripture and to common sense.”

Change and turn to Him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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