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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Finding Your Safe Retreat

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Proverbs 18:10,11 The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Those who do what is right can run to him for protection. The rich think their wealth will protect them. They think it is a strong fortress.

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When you feel under attack, and we all do at some point, when people and your circumstances conspire to form that perfect storm – where do turn to? Where do you run for safety?

Back in my younger days when I was in the military, I learned that there are four phases in any war: Advancing towards the enemy and then attacking him. Those two are what we call the offensive phases.

The other two are: defence, where you take a bit of ground and hold it, and withdrawal or, as some would say, retreat. They’re the defensive phases of war.

Now, none of us likes to retreat in life. We want every post to be a winner. We want to be on the up and up the whole time. But sometimes, it’s one step forward, two steps back. Sometimes, we have to withdraw when we’re under attack, or be destroyed.

So when you have to retreat from a situation, where do you retreat to? What’s your safe haven?

Proverb 18:10,11 The name of the Lord is like a strong tower. Those who do what is right can run to him for protection. The rich think their wealth will protect them. They think it is a strong fortress.

When we feel under attack, we want to grasp at straws; anything tangible, anything real, anything we can see here and now, and we grab onto it hoping it’ll save us. You know that feeling, right?!

But the truth is that none of those things will save you.

When you’re under attack, what do you rely on? Money or God? The tangible or the all-powerful? You see, the reason I’m asking, is because one day, you’re going to have to retreat.

So what’s your plan?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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