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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Don’t Panic

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Matthew 6:21 Your heart will be where your treasure is.

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Question: how much of your sense of security is tied up in your assets, your balance sheet, how much you own and, I guess, how much you earn?

The global economy – well, sometimes it’s like a crazy roller coaster, isn’t it? Things can be going along just fine and then one piece of questionable economic data spooks the markets and wipes trillions from their value. It’s insane!

Remember “the global economic crisis”? Boy, I wish I’d had a dollar for every time I heard that back in the day.

They say that the markets are driven by greed and fear – two sides of the one coin, and it’s true! The more we put our faith in money, in assets, the more we hunger after them. That’s where greed comes from. And when it all looks like going pear-shaped, then the more we’ve put our faith in wealth, the more it rocks us to the core. That’s the fear side of the coin.

The economy will wax and wane. That’s life. But greed and fear – well they’re nothing new. Jesus put it like this:

Your heart will be where your treasure is. (Matthew 6:21)

You’d think it would be the other way around; that your treasure would follow your heart. But no, that’s not it. The powerful truth that Jesus is nailing here, is that, when you’re emotionally invested in wealth, that’s where our heart is going to be. And that, as history has proven time and time again, is an incredibly dangerous place to go leaving your heart. That’s why multi-millionaires end up committing suicide when the markets take a tumble.

So let me ask you, what do you treasure? Where is your heart? And how safe is it?

Your heart will be where your treasure is.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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