... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks
for you...

Your Free Booklet: “Having the Sort of Faith that Conquers the World”

Discover the immeasurably great power that God has ready – waiting for you.

Believe it or not, God promises each person who believes in Jesus the power to overcome. The power to overcome temptation. The power to overcome sin. The power to overcome obstacles. The power to move mountains. The power to be who He made you to be and live the life that He planned for you to live.

And that’s what Christianityworks’ latest Life Application Booklet is all about. It’s called:

Having the Sort of Faith that Conquers the World

And we would absolutely love to send you your very own FREE copy to help you truly be a blessing to those around you.

So to request yours, just complete the the form below.

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