... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Power Unlimited

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Believe it or not, God promises each person who believes in Jesus, the power to overcome. The power to overcome temptation. The power to overcome sin. The power to overcome obstacles. The power to move mountains. The power to be who He made you to be and live the life that He planned for you to live. 

And in this series – Power Unlimited – Bern Dymet opens God’s Word to help you discover how to lay hold of that power. Power … unlimited

Episode 1. Power Source

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Too many Christians, in fact, way too many Christians, are living lives that fall so far short of the life that Jesus promised. When Jesus promised power, they instead end up living a powerless life. …

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Episode 2. Power to Go

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The Bible tells us (Ephesians Chapter 1) that God has already made His incredibly great power, His resurrection power, available to each and every person who believes in Jesus. So let’s take a look …

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Episode 3. A Radically New Way of Living

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They say that following Jesus isn’t easy. Because following Jesus means swimming against the tide of popular opinion. Following Jesus means, all too often … in fact most of the time … going in …

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Episode 4. Getting Into God’s Word

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God’s Word is packed full of power … power unlimited … to transform your life. But one of the biggest problems people have with the Bible is understanding it. Making sense of it. Knowing where …

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