... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Personality GPS (1)

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Most people would struggle to stand up in front of a group of friends and explain who they are, what motivates them and how they’re friends can get the most out of their relationship with them. That’s because most of us have never taken the time to understand who we are. In this series Berni opens up God’s Word to discover that He’s made each one of us differently and that He wants us to know who He’s made us to be.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. God's Personality System

Amazing how at school we study all about God’s creation – but we seem to spend precious little time figuring out who we are – the personality that He’s given to each one of us. But when we do …

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Episode 2. With All My Soul

Some people approach the world primarily through their emotions. Others through their minds. Others again through their wills. But there’s a fourth group who are a whole bunch more complex than …

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Episode 3. With All My Heart

Some people come at the world mostly through their hearts. More than anything else, they experience the world and contribute to it – through their emotions. Perhaps you’re one of those – maybe …

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Episode 4. With All My Mind

There are people in this word who approach life mostly through their minds – their ability to think through the detail. Now you might think that those people would be a bit boring. Turns out that …

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Episode 5. With All My Strength

Some of the people that you and I know – approach life primarily not so much through their emotions or their minds – they approach life through their will. These are strong people. And these …

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Shirley Davies

Loved listening to the 5 messages on My Personality GPS.

Would you mind guiding me to interviews on your website?

Many thanks. shirl